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The Yorkshire Archaeological & Historical Society

Since 1863

For everyone interested in Yorkshire's past

Money matters

Please help us increase the resources available for the study of Yorkshire's past

Looking to the future, the Society faces a two-fold challenge: to make more effective use of what it already has, and to grow the three types of income on which it depends, including membership subscriptions, income from investments, and donations or legacies.

Gifts and legacies from private individuals are extremely important.   They can be earmarked for any area of work which the donor consider particularly important, or made as a general donation to be used at the discretion of the Trustees for any purpose consistent with our charitable aims.   If you would like to discuss a donation, please contact one of honorary officers:  President, Secretary or Treasurer.  Otherwise, simply make use of the Donation facility below, and if possible please Gift Aid your donation.   Paypal allows you to include a message with your donation.

Where the money goes

Society overhead costs are met entirely from members' subscriptions.  Gifts of all kinds support expenditure on activities which are directed towards one or more of the Society's charitable objects. At present, the Society is already committed to cataloguing projects for our collections and has identified a need for a large-scale project to conserve some seventeenth and eighteenth century manuscripts in its archives.  The amount of work which can be done will depend on funding from our existing resources, on any grant aid which can be found, and on gifts from people who care about the long term survival of these unique elements of Yorkshire's documentary heritage.



Please click on the Pay Now Paypal button below if you wish to make a donation. 




The Society wishes to thank the University of Leeds, and in particular the University Librarian and her staff, for taking responsibility for the future custody of our large collections of archives and printed books - putting significant pressure not only on storage space but also upon many staff who were thus called upon to handle the sudden arrival of so much additional material.  This represents a very substantial contribution to the preservation of, and provision of public access to, such a large part of Yorkshire’s collective memory.