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The Yorkshire Archaeological & Historical Society

Since 1863

For everyone interested in Yorkshire's past

Membership options

The full membership pricelist is here.

1. Personal membership of the Society

All Full Members-

  • receive a copy of 'Briefing' the Society's occasional newsletter as well as frequent news of events and activities by email or post.
  • can participate in the running of the Society at General Meetings, and by standing for election to positions of responsibility.
  • can access to the Society's Library at the University of Leeds Library as well as the wider holdings of Leeds University Library -contact the Society's Hon. Secretary for further information.
  • who subscribe at the higher rate (see below) also receive a copy of the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal annually. (Full Membership without a copy of the Journal, whilst retaining the other benefits of Full Membership, is also available as an option.)

2. Membership of one or more of our specialist Sections

Membership of one or more Sections can be taken either separately or combined with Full Membership of the Society. Please then use the online application form below, where subscription rates can be found. Further details of Section activities can be found on the Section pages of this website.

3. Affiliation and institutional membership

Other archaeological and historical societies and groups can join as Affiliated Societies. Details of their programmes are published annually in the YAHS Programme of Events, and their members can gain access to the YAHS library, and the wider holdings of Leeds University Library, for reference purposes. YAHS has active collaborations with many affiliates, on joint projects and events.

Institutional Membership is open to universities, colleges, libraries and similar organisations, who receive one copy of the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal. This is available via the Society's journal publishers, Taylor and Francis at

You can join right away using the online form below:

Alternatively, if you would prefer, write to YAHS, Stringer House, 34 Lupton Street, Leeds LS10 2QW, or send us an email, and we'll send you a paper form to complete.

Whatever you choose, please consider setting up a Standing Order at your bank.

Thank you!

New and Existing Members: you can join, or renew, your subscription using the form below. If you are joining us as a new member this year please fill out the form and submit when asked. If you are a current member, please use the sign in button at the top of the form, and you will either be offered the option of signing in by having a link sent to the email address you registered with, or, you can use your password if you remember it. If you pay by standing order, or intend to, please select this at payment type. 

Please note that membership for the Society runs from January to December. If you would like to join later in the year please contact