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The Yorkshire Archaeological & Historical Society

Since 1863

For everyone interested in Yorkshire's past


Online Application for Membership

Please select which membership option you would like to purchase.

Full Members

Individual full members can attend lectures and excursions, use the Society's library and archive collections available at the University of Leeds, and participate in all the activities of the Society. All full members receive the annual programme of events, listing the Society's events and those of many other archaeological and historical groups, together with copies of occasional newsletters and other mailings. Full members who pay their subscription at the higher rate also receive the annual Yorkshire Archaeological Journal. Full members may choose to pay the lower subscription rate, but will then not receive the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal. All full members may access the Society's library and archive collections which are held on long-term loan in the University of Leeds Library. This access is by means of applying for a University of Leeds Library card as an external member of the library with borrowing rights (the Society's office issues a letter of authorisation to members who wish to take advantage of this arrangement).

With YAJ (£45)
Without YAJ (£23)


Affiliated Societies

For Societies and Groups with similar aims to the YAHS. They receive all newsletters and mailings and one copy of the Journal. In addition, the YAHS encourages joint events to our mutual benefit.


Supplementary Membership Options

Please select any optional add-on membership you would like to purchase.

Family History Section

Individual members - receive issues of Yorkshire Family Historian per year
Overseas members – receive issues of Yorkshire Family Historian per year
Family members – two members of the same family, living at one address, receive one copy of each issue of the Yorkshire Family Historian



Medieval Section

Members receive an annual journal


Industrial History Section

Members receive 3 newsletters per year


Prehistory Research Section

Members receive newsletters and an annual journal


Roman Antiquities Section

Members receive an annual Bulletin Family members, two members of the same family, living at the same address, receive one copy of the Bulletin.

Single Member
Family Member


YAHS Serial Publications

Record Series

Subscribers receive a new volume in this Series annually

UK Members
Overseas Members


Wakefield Court Rolls

Subscribers receive a new volume in this Series every two years

UK Members
Overseas Members
