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The Yorkshire Archaeological & Historical Society

Since 1863

For everyone interested in Yorkshire's past

Our Publications

Annual journal 'Prehistoric Yorkshire'

‘Prehistoric Yorkshire’ is a valuable outlet for the publication of member’s interests and research, whether amateur or professional. Each issue contains items of news, information on sites and finds, local research, excavation summaries and book/article reviews.

Published in December, the journal is issued free to Section members in printed form. Copies are available to the general public for £12.50 plus, if necessary, £2.70 UK P&P. Back copies if available cost £5 plus, if necessary £2.70 UK P&P. For more information please contact the Editor. See below for availability of pdf versions.

In the current issue Vol. 61 (2023)

General Interest:
  • Aerial Archaeology Committee Report 2022–3 (Yvonne Boutwood)
  • Happy 90 th Birthday: Terry Manby
  • Tributes
  • Obituary: Tim Schadla-Hall
  • Obituary: Paul Brown
  • Paddock Hill, Thwing (Keith Boughey)
  • The Hardisty Lithics Collection (Keith Boughey)
  • Portable Antiquities Scheme 2022-23
  • Late Upper Palaeolithic into Early Mesolithic in Holderness: A Tale of Kettle Holes and a Beaver (Paul Buckland)
  • Neolithic Axe Routes of Yorkshire: The Gypsey Race, the Wolds and the Mesolithic (David Davidson)
  • Thornborough Henges Saved At Last!
  • Neolithic Ceremonial Monuments in Wetwang Slack and the Wider Implications for some other Yorkshire Monuments (John Dent)
  • In Two Worlds – Comparing the Rudston and Dorset Cursus Complexes (Richard Bradley)
Neolithic/Bronze Age:
  • A ‘Druid’s Temple’ between Ingleborough and Ribblehead: Sleights Pasture Monument Complex (Yvonne Luke)
Bronze Age:
  • Yorkshire’s Unusual Beaker Burials: What can Period-atypical Funerary Practices tell us about British Prehistory?
  • The Thwing Lunula (Keith Boughey)
  • Calderdale Artefacts on display at the Bankfield Museum
Iron Age:
  • Yorkshire Quern Survey 2022–23 (John Cruse)
  • The Mile Chariot Burial, Pocklington (Melanie Giles & Matthew Hitchcock & contributions from Keith Boughey)
  • The Why and the When: On the Meaning and Dating of pre-Roman Ladder Settlements in the Yorkshire Wolds (Meike van Lit)

Back numbers of 'Prehistoric Yorkshire' and the 'Bulletin'

Here is a list of articles in previous issues of the Section's journal 'Prehistoric Yorkshire' (from 2012) and its predecessor the Section's Bulletin' (1963-2011).

Copies of individual back numbers can be downloaded here as a pdf free of charge.

Notes for contributors to ‘Prehistoric Yorkshire’

The deadline for contributions is the end of September ready for publication at the beginning of December for distribution at the Christmas meeting of the Prehistory Research Section. Contributions are not peer-reviewed but are expected to demonstrate a high standard of English and of archaeological content and to give references to sources, preferably in the ‘Harvard’ style.

The journal’s format is A4 Times New Roman Font 11 for text, 12 for sub-titles, and 14 for main titles, giving approximately 750 words to the page. Articles should preferably be less than 10 pages in length, including illustrations, etc. However, articles longer than this may be accepted at the Editor’s discretion, together with a request for a voluntary contribution from the author(s) of £5 per black and white page towards the cost of printing and publishing. A similar request is made of £15 per colour page irrespective of the length of the article.

Text should be sent as a docx file. Illustrations can be accepted as jpeg, tif, gif or bmp files, but should be submitted separate from text to allow for re-formatting. Text and illustrations can be sent on CD/memory stick or – subject to their digital length – by e-mail as an attachment or by WeTransfer.  For more informatioin please contact the Editor.

Any revisions deemed necessary by the Editor are only published with the full consent of the author(s). Articles are published subject to the consent of the author(s) to share copyright with the Society.

Members’ Newsletter

The Prehistory Research Section's newsletter appears three or four times a year and is e-mailed to Section members.  It provides up to date information about current excavation opportunities, museum exhibitions, talks and visits organised by the Section and events of interest organised by other bodies. Back issues from 2004 can be downloaded here, free of charge.

Other Publications on Prehistory

A number of publications on prehistory are also available – mostly in CD format.  Prices do not include P & P which is charged according to the product and destination. To place an order, or for any other information, please contact the Editor.

Printed format only

Manby, T.G., Moorhouse, S. and Ottaway, P. (eds), ‘The Archaeology of Yorkshire: an assessment at the beginning of the 21st century’ Yorkshire Archaeological Society Occasional Paper No. 3. Leeds £20.00

CD format only

  • Boughey, K and Vickerman, E. (2003) Prehistoric Rock Art of the West Riding
    • Main volume £14.00
    • Supplement £10.00
  • Boughey, K. (2010) The Harden Moor Ring Cairn: An Account of the Excavations 1958-60, 1983-4 £5.00
  • Boughey, K. (2011) The Appleyard Lithics Collection £5.00
  • Boughey, K. (2015) Life and Death in Prehistoric Craven
    • Book CD alone £10.00
    • Book and Appendix CDs together £12.50
  • Boughey, K. (2017) The Hardisty Lithics Collection £5.00
  • Boughey, K. (2017) The Waterhouse Lithics Collection £5.00
  • Bradford Cartwright Hall Archaeology Group Bulletin Vols. 1-12 1954-67 £10.00

CD/printed format

  • Boughey, K. (2013) Discovering Prehistoric Bingley: The Stanbury Hill Project £5.00
  • Brown, L. (ed.). (2013) Stanbury Hill Project: Archaeological Investigation of a Rock Art Site £15.00
  • Leach, S. (2015) Going Underground: An anthropological and taphonomic study of human skeletal remains from caves and rock shelters in Yorkshire
    • 2 vols. £23.00
    • Appendices £2.00
  • Manby, T.G. (1972) A Bibliography of Yorkshire Prehistory to 1972 £1.00
  • Manby, T.G. (1986) The Bronze Age in Western Yorkshire £1.00  (reprinted from Manby, T.G. and Turnbull, P. (eds.), Archaeology in the Pennines: Studies in Honour of Arthur Raistrick BAR 158, Oxford)
  • Williamson, W.C. The Bronze Age Tree Trunk Coffin Burial found at Gristhorpe near Scarborough £1.00